FRC 2017 Steamworks Robot

For this competition, we decided that limiting our scope and focusing on only a few aspects of the game was the best way to win. The goals for our robot were to place gears on a peg as fast as possible, play defense, and then climb a rope. We spent the vast majority of the time designing and prototyping many different mechanisms to place gears. In the end, we settled on a polycarbonate gear holder with flaps that will comply to allow the gear to be pushed out. We also decided to use a motor with a 100:1 gearbox to climb.

The pusher was the one part of this year's robot that was completely my design. Just like the previous years on my robotics team, the design was limited by availability to only a water jet and off-the-shelf components. You can see my final design to the right

This robot competed strongly at 3 Events in the DC area and won an award for quality.